Imagine you to lodge at a made hotel totally of ice and snow, since this is what there offer us three hotels, the first one that construct him of this type placed in Jukkasjärvi, in Lapland, the Canadian in Montmorency, Québec to a few minutes of the cardinal city and in Greenland, the Hotel Igloo Village.

A new and original way of passing your vacations, you is lodging in someone of these three hotels of ice that they exist the world, absolutely everything what you can think is of ice: the glasses, the tables, the columns, the lamps, the beds, etc.
To come to the hotels is already the whole adventure, a real exploit. In the moment in which the guests go to his rooms special stock exchanges are provided to them to sleep with an interior thermal coating, in addition, the beds totally of ice, are covered with leather of reindeers, abundant animal in the place and whose leather allows to support the warm body.

Every morning the guests are woken up by a very warm drink and to relax the body of the cold, direct them the baths sauna, considered in this north zone as healers of the soul and of the body. So much the hotel of Sweden as that of Québec besides the rooms they rely on galleries of art, cinema, chapel and a bar, in which it is necessary to take gloves, because the glasses also are of ice. A curiosity of the hotel Igloo Village in Greenland, is that the beds rely on lighting for optical fiber.
With the arrival of the thaw every year it is necessary to reconstruct three hotels, for what his design is different every season, adapting to the last artistic innovations.

Another similar establishment exists in Greenland, in Ilulissat's locality, the Hotel Artic, which relies on five iglús permanent constructed in steel and in whose interior the traveler has all the comforts.

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